high level political forum

As part of the 2023 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). Prof. Dr. Mohammad Soleh Ridwan (President of UIPM Indonesia) and Prof. Dr. Rantastia Nur Alangan (CEO of UIPM), H.E. Mrs. Judith Suminwa Tuluka (Minister of Planning of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Co-Chair of the GPEDC). H.E. Mr. Suharso Monoarfa (Minister of National Development Planning and Head of BAPPENAS, Indonesia, and fellow Co-Chair). Mrs. Djeneba Kouanda (Head of the Development Co-operation Department at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Forward Planning of Burkina Faso) Ms. Nazneen Damji (Chief a.i of the Governance and Participation Section of UN Women) in United Nations Headquarter - New York.(18th July 2023 )
WhatsApp Image 2023-07-27 at 00.22.25







UIPM Diplomat
UIPM provides facilities for UIPM Students to become a Reliable Diplomat at the International High Level Forum at the United Nations Headquarters, because UIPM is part of the UN ECOSOC and is included in the activities of the United Nations system.

Research methods provide legitimacy to research and provide scientifically sound evidence. It also provides a detailed plan to help researchers stay on track and make the process smooth, efficient and manageable.
SPIA Event
Peace and Security
The UIPM Peace and Security Program is an official UN program that must be implemented and the UN mission (17 SDGs) Sustainable Development Goals, also Education in Peace and Security. The important role of UIPM is creating world leaders to realize world peace. 

global system

Global Managing

Global Managing means that UIPM is managed globally by several countries, namely Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Thailand, France, USA, each of which supports one another.

Global Students

Global Students are students who study at UIPM from various countries without having to meet face to face, but only study at home or in their own country, with Independent Study.

Global Education

Global Education means International Program in General, and provides many study program options for students, so that students can develop their talents comfortably.